The Freelance Blueprint

How to manage your finances as a freelancer

No overwhelm or hours-long browsing on Google, just all your questions answered, accountability and support

Go freelance in 40 days with Elisabeth Mayr

About this Course

Who it's for

The Freelance Blueprint - How to manage your finances as a freelancer is a course specifically designed for freelancers and people planning to go freelance soon, to equip you with the knowledge you need to become a successful freelancer.

It can be very overwhelming to start offering your services on a freelance basis. And most people who just start their freelance career make a lot of unnecessary beginner mistakes - which will cost you money! Trust me, I learned it the hard way.

Elisabeth was incredibly helpful when helping me during my transition to freelancing. Her experience and industry insights helped to give me much needed clarity on my profile and work to date, as well as clear, actionable feedback. I now feel much more confident as I progress in my freelancing journey.

- Sean, Freelance UX Designer

What you'll learn

In this course, you'll learn everything you need to know about money as a freelancer and how to best manage your business finances. The first modules will teach you what to do with the money you’re earning. The second part will teach you how to earn more. But before you earn more, make sure you know what to do with your income, how much to save it, where, and what to put aside for the tax man.

We’re all very busy, and unless accounting or giving financial advice is your core freelance service, you shouldn’t spend hours and hours on doing research or watching courses that won’t teach you what you need.

You’ll get forever-access to the course and its updates so you’ll always know the bare minimum to be a successful freelancer.


I’m not a financial adviser, but I’ve been a freelancer for 4+ years and learned many things the hard way. I lost out on money, I didn’t increase my rates, I picked the wrong VAT method for my business and therefor lost out on money. But don’t worry, I’ve done all of that so you don’t have to.

This course is here to help you make financial decisions as a freelancer. Please talk to a financial adviser when you’re making BIG decisions. Also, I highly recommend hiring an accountant once you start your freelance career. But it’ll be very beneficial if you know about money, so you can ask the right questions. Nobody will care as much about your income and increasing your savings as you do. So the more you know, the higher are your chances of making the most of your money.

About your instructor

I’m a freelance UX Designer based in London, originally from Austria but I’ve worked as an employee in the UK for a handful of years before starting to go freelance.

As a freelancer, I’ve worked as a sole-trader, within an umbrella company and now under a limited company. Therefore, the advice is very much tailored to freelancers based in the UK. However, there’ll be information that is relevant to you, no matter what tax residency you hold.

Go freelance in 40 days start your freelance career

You won’t regret having a session with Lisi. I’m a product designer with a few years of experience but it’s my first time freelancing so wanted to get some guidance from someone who’s been doing it for a while (and rocking it!). I did a one-off session which gave me enough info to get started from just a half hour of coaching, so I’m curious about the weekly sessions! Lisi shared lots of actionable tips that I was able to implement on my LinkedIn and portfolio, such as pitching myself, personal branding, and getting my first clients. I definitely feel more confident moving forward so if you feel lost, I’d definitely book a call with Lisi.

- Solbee, Freelance UX Designer

Course Outline

Here's what you'll learn

Module 1

The Bare Minimum You Need To Know

This module will provide you with the core knowledge necessary to begin your journey, such as:

• Exploring different business structures: sole trader, umbrella, and limited company
• Separating business and personal finances
• Understanding the importance of pension planning
• Making the most of your money
• Overview of deductible expenses and tax residency
• Finding the right accountant

Module 2


In this module, you'll learn about paying taxes and how establishing the most tax-efficient approach can lead to significant savings.

• Company taxes: Different tax obligations based on your business structure
• Personal taxes: Managing taxes on income drawn from your business
• Introduction to National Insurance and VAT

Module 3

Money Mindset

This module is all about providing you with tips to help you adopt a mindset around making money work for you and not against you.

• Understanding your relationship with money
• Identifying and overcoming limiting beliefs
• Fostering a positive money mindset

Module 4

Start Saving & Build Automations

In this module, you'll learn the importance of having a backup fund, determine the right amount to save, and know when to use it.

• Building an emergency fund for unexpected events
• Setting financial goals for business growth
• Establishing consistent saving habits

Module 5

Managing Expenses

Module 5 focuses on distinguishing between necessary and discretionary spending and how to prioritize your financial resources effectively.

• Identifying essential vs non-essential expenses
• Creating realistic budgets for business and personal expenses
• Strategies for reducing expenses and increasing savings
• Effective expense tracking tools and techniques

Module 6

Invest in Yourself

If you aspire to grow both in your business and personal life, investing in yourself is crucial. This module will empower you to prioritise self-investment and guide you towards the most beneficial areas to focus on.

• Recognizing the importance of personal and professional development
• Enhancing existing skills and identifying opportunities for career growth
• Evaluating the return on investment (ROI)

Module 7

Keeping Track of Finances

By keeping a close eye on your income, expenses, and invoices, you'll have a clear picture of where your hard-earned cash is coming from and where it's going.

• Organising financial records and documents
• Tracking income, expenses, and invoices
• Utilising accounting software and financial tools

Module 8

How To Price Yourself

When it comes to putting a price on yourself and your services, you need to strike the right balance. This module guides you through determining your freelance rates and effectively pricing your services.

• Researching market standard rates and setting competitive freelance rates
• Quoting for projects based on retainers, hourly, daily or project rates
• Increasing rates over time
• Renegotiating rates with long-term clients
• Defining payment requirements

Module 9


The final module of this course covers essential information and practices on invoicing as a freelancer. As a bonus, you'll also gain access to my collection of templates to streamline your invoicing process

• Creating professional invoices and incorporating late payment fees
• Sending, automating, and chasing invoices
• Taking legal action for non-payment if necessary

Elisabeth has motivated me to trust my gut and given me the last push to go freelance.

She introduced me to a platform where I found my first freelance gig which was a high-end client. I can't believe the day rate I was able to charge!

I now feel confident to successfully complete project after project.

- Mahamud, Freelance Product Designer

How it works

This is the very first time I'm launching this programme, so you will get all of the attention and accountability from me that you need.


Weekly zoom calls
We'll have weekly 30 min sessions. 15-20 mins of those sessions will be used to cover one finance topic.
The remaining time will be used to answer your personal finance questions.


The sessions will be recorded, so in case you can't join live, you can watch them in your own time. Submit your personal questions to that topic upfront.


Create a network
It's a small group of other freelancers at the early stages of their freelance career. This will help you build your network.
Only take advice from people who have been where you want to goUnknown

Why work with me?

I've been freelancing for about 4 years and I've figured it all out the hard way. Trust me, freelancing isn't always easy. But it can be.

Don't do it the hard way

I've done it the hard way, it's not always fun. I'll show you everything you need to know so you don't waste valuable time for your business.

Take the shortcut

I've made almost all the mistakes a freelancer could possibly make, and I still love it. I want you to know that you can live the life you want by being your own boss and I want to help you get there.

Still not sure if The Freelance Blueprint is right for you?

Get in touch if you're interested but you're still not 100% sure if it's the right thing for you at this stage of your career. I'd love to see how I can help you progress and grow.